Queryable DataExchanger Example
larsontim12 opened this issue · 2 comments
larsontim12 commented
I am trying to run the sample and it is asking for the query as a parameter. What is a sample query to send and where can I find out more information on what can be sent?
Thanks -Tim
Ali-YousefiTelori commented
Hello, @larsontim12 the Signalgo query data exchanger is in preview version yet, if you want to get samples on how to use SignalGo query you can see examples on Here
and don't forget to install NuGet package from Here
You can use SelectCompiler class to compile your select query then execute query:
string query = @"select{name family posts{title articles{author}date news{newsName}}files{id name}}var user{where user.family=""yousefi"" and sum ( 5 , 1 , 4 ) == 10)}";
SelectCompiler selectCompiler = new SelectCompiler();
string anotherResult = selectCompiler.Compile(query);
After compile you can run with your list:
object result = selectCompiler.Run(yourlist);
However, you can use ConditionsCompiler for your conditions in your list you can see more examples as I linked you Here.
larsontim12 commented
Thank you that is what I needed!