Compression Example
larsontim12 opened this issue · 2 comments
larsontim12 commented
I see that you have added compression to the code to use zip. Do you have an example code of how to use it?
larsontim12 commented
I found an example in the tests Never mind.
Ali-YousefiTelori commented
Hello @larsontim12 and thank you for your question,
this is an example to use compression in client and server side of signalgo:
1.use SetServer static method to set compression for your server provider
2.use SetClient static method to set compression for your clientprovider
this is for signalgo duplex protocol
public class GoCompression : ICompression
public byte[] Compress(ref byte[] input)
//ConsoleGo.WriteLine($"Compressing bytes length {input.Length}", ConsoleColor.Magenta);
using (var outStream = new MemoryStream())
using (var tinyStream = new GZipStream(outStream, CompressionMode.Compress))
using (var mStream = new MemoryStream(input))
var result = outStream.ToArray();
//ConsoleGo.WriteLine($"Compressed bytes length {result.Length}", ConsoleColor.Magenta);
return result;
public byte[] Decompress(ref byte[] input)
//ConsoleGo.WriteLine($"Decompressing bytes length {input.Length}", ConsoleColor.Magenta);
using (var inStream = new MemoryStream(input))
using (var bigStream = new GZipStream(inStream, CompressionMode.Decompress))
using (var bigStreamOut = new MemoryStream())
var result = bigStreamOut.ToArray();
//ConsoleGo.WriteLine($"Decompressed bytes length {result.Length}", ConsoleColor.Magenta);
return result;
public static void SetServer(ServerProvider serverProvider)
serverProvider.CurrentCompressionMode = SignalGo.CompressMode.Custom;
serverProvider.GetCustomCompression = () => new GoCompression();
public static void SetClient(ClientProvider clientProvider)
clientProvider.CurrentCompressionMode = SignalGo.CompressMode.Custom;
clientProvider.GetCustomCompression = () => new GoCompression();