Using Visual Studio 2022 Extension
Closed this issue · 4 comments
In the connected services that is generated by the Visual Studio Extension and it is throwing an error when I try to compile: on _httpClient.PostHead and _httpClient.PostHeadAsync.
Do you have a version that has this working or any Ideas?
public virtual global::SignalGo.Shared.Models.StreamInfoglobal::System.DateTime DownloadProfileImage(int userId, string filePath)
SignalGo.Client.HttpClientResponseBase result = _httpClient.PostHead(_serverUrl + (_serverUrl.EndsWith("/") ? "" : "/") + "teststream/DownloadProfileImage", new SignalGo.Shared.Models.ParameterInfo[]
new SignalGo.Shared.Models.ParameterInfo() { Name = nameof(userId),Value = SignalGo.Client.ClientSerializationHelper.SerializeObject(userId) },
new SignalGo.Shared.Models.ParameterInfo() { Name = nameof(filePath),Value = SignalGo.Client.ClientSerializationHelper.SerializeObject(filePath) },
ResponseHeaders = result.ResponseHeaders;
Status = result.Status;
return result.GetStream<global::SignalGo.Shared.Models.StreamInfoglobal::System.DateTime>();
public virtual async Task<global::SignalGo.Shared.Models.StreamInfoglobal::System.DateTime> DownloadProfileImageAsync(int userId, string filePath)
SignalGo.Client.HttpClientResponseBase result = await _httpClient.PostHeadAsync(_serverUrl + (_serverUrl.EndsWith("/") ? "" : "/") + "teststream/DownloadProfileImage", new SignalGo.Shared.Models.ParameterInfo[]
new SignalGo.Shared.Models.ParameterInfo() { Name = nameof(userId),Value = SignalGo.Client.ClientSerializationHelper.SerializeObject(userId) },
new SignalGo.Shared.Models.ParameterInfo() { Name = nameof(filePath),Value = SignalGo.Client.ClientSerializationHelper.SerializeObject(filePath) },
ResponseHeaders = result.ResponseHeaders;
Status = result.Status;
return result.GetStream<global::SignalGo.Shared.Models.StreamInfoglobal::System.DateTime>();
Hey @larsontim12
Can you please send me more descriptions?
- I need Your server-side service (input and output and name) like this:
public async Task<MessageContract<BookResponseContract>> Book([NullOrEmptyValidation] BookRequestContract bookRequest)
- also version of signalgo and signalgo extensions you are using.
- your service type using ServiceContract attribute
VSIX version updated and bug fixed.
Thanks I will try it out. I see you already fixed it but I was using the C# server and client when it popped up. I will let you know shortly if it is fixed.
Thanks for the quick response!
@larsontim12 Your welcome.