
getting mmsi constantly via subscription with time period

sbender9 opened this issue · 4 comments

Over ws, when I use the subscription:

{ "context": "self", "subscribe": [{ "path": "*", "period":10000}] }

I get deltas with mmsi about every second. Mmsi is getting updated via AIS/N2K.

Can't replicate with either of the sample files.

And you would probably have to make "self" the same.

With config like so

      "pipeElements": [
          "type": "providers/simple",
          "options": {
            "logging": false,
            "type": "FileStream",
            "subOptions": {
              "dataType": "Multiplexed",
              "filename": "/Users/tkurki/Downloads/",
              "overrideTimestamp": true

, whatever was in the settings file as self and using npm wscat2 module global install wscat 'ws://localhost:3000/signalk/v1/stream?subscribe=none' then sending the subscription above I just get a burst of deltas every ~10 seconds.