
Unsupported device: iPad mini 3 (J85mAP) / iOS 9.0.2 (13A452)

ngoctnq opened this issue · 4 comments

I've tried with the iPad Mini 2 offsets but it doesn't work.

Here's the panic.ips (changed to txt for upload purposes): panic-2017-09-16-172919.txt
Here's the panic log: log.txt

Here is my attempted config.txt: config.txt. Please tell me if I extracted the numbers correctly.
Here's the log when I ran ./clover: log0.txt
Same "kernel slide not multiple of 0x100000" error when I try dumping.

After reading a few issues closed that's definitely the wrong numbers. Could you give the me the correct one, and explain how if that isn't too long.

Please advice what I need to do next.

Things have changed a little since last winter, keys are available for your device/version now.

Create this as /etc/cl0ver/config.txt:


Then use the keys to extract/decrypt your kernelcache (if you have no tool already, use img4tool) and place the result at /etc/cl0ver/kernel.bin.

Sorry if this is a little too much of a newbie question, but I cannot compile xerub's img4tool due to not knowing how to ln openssl stuffs. I then happen to come up to a precompiled binary on a "reverse engineer iOS 10" reddit post, and try that with
./img4tool -image iPad4,7_9.0.2_13A452_Restore/Firmware/all_flash/all_flash.j85map.production/sep-firmware.j85m.RELEASE.im4p kernel.bin 9ec79288ac062987edfadfe36a18bc43570dc346bd1c808f1c8b82aa3ee98f9cca7b845e1b9342a07ddbe46d56db085d
The output is only sepi.
Did I do it right? For the parameter [ivkey], do I append those two or just the IV/Key?

Also when I try to run cl0ver again with only the new config.txt, it just gives me "Unsupported device/OS combination" again.

Eh, you extracted SEP instead of the kernel. Key looks correct, but try with -image iPad4,7_9.0.2_13A452_Restore/kernelcache.release.j85m instead.

You're the man! That worked wonders.