
Alfred workflow to work more seamlessly with TUIs using Kitty's remote control API

Primary LanguageAppleScript


Alfred workflow to work more seamlessly with TUIs using Kitty's remote control API

This is heavily inspired, and built upon https://github.com/pyrho/alfred-kitty-tab-switch/

with the following changes:

  • Many additional features next to tab switching: execute in kitty from alfred using ,
  • paste current selection into a new kitty tab (speed up copy pasting things from stackoverflow)
  • File actions see here
  • Switch tabs, see here
    • Allows tabs with identical names, and allows switching between the different tabs with identical names (the original would always switch to the first tab)
    • Expose more information
  • Execute command in new kitty tab see here

Note: you can't just install it - manual setup (2min) required - follow the install instructions

PRs welcome! This is very early and I've been using it for a few days only


  • make sure to have set up kitty as you custom terminal! you need to set up a custom terminal see here, you can use the script provided here in ./custom_terminal.applescript (make sure to use the correct path to the kitty application!)
  • Follow https://25.wf/posts/2020-03-23-alfred-kitty.html to make sure you can launch kitty via fixed unix socket
  • install this workflow by clicking on the kitty.alfredworkflow
  • change the many paths in the workflow to point to your executables (i've compiled both neovim and kitty from source so this will be different for you!) see here
  • If you want to replace neovim with another terminal editor (emacs, vim, ...) change the respective binary
  • To get the airdrop workflow working put the following into your init.lua
    -- url encoding
    local hex_to_char = function(x)
      return string.char(tonumber(x, 16))
    -- url encoding
    local unescape = function(url)
      return url:gsub("%%(%x%x)", hex_to_char)
    hs.urlevent.bind("airdrop", function(eventName, params)
        local file = params["f"]
        local url = hs.sharing.fileURL(file)
        local ad = hs.sharing.builtinSharingServices.sendViaAirDrop
        local s = hs.sharing.newShare(ad)


  • CMD+Shift+A: paste current selection into kitty
  • CMD+Shift+S: Show open tabs
  • CMD+Shift+D: Run command in terminal



  • visidata
  • awk
  • jq
  • kitty