
Item and Block Models do not generate due to "multiple arguments for option output"

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So im currently stuck in the pt.2 of the Forge 1.16.x Modding Tutorial because everytime i try to run the 'runData' task, it stops almost immediately. After checking the .log file it says "Found multiple arguments for option output, but you asked for only one"
So my guess was that i had an error in the build.gardle file, but after several tries to fix it, it still won't work. I'm new to IntelliJ IDEA so it's probably just a simple mistake by me, but as i'm currently working with the Forge 1.16.5 MDK there could also be a method that was changed?

Attached is the latest.log file which im quoting from.

rlnt commented

If you try to fix something in your build.gradle, you have to generate the run profiles because you are basically editing just the configuration for the generation of those profiles.

So when you change something in the run configurations in your build.gradle, click the drop down menu on the top right of IntelliJ where your runClient, runServer and runData is listed and click Edit configurations....
In the window which pops up, delete all entries underneath the Application entry which should be the previously mentioned profiles.
After that, regenerate your run configurations by running the gradle task modid\Tasks\fg_runs\genIntelliJRuns.

This task will now take your new code from your build.gradle to generate these profiles.
Means if you didn't do these steps earlier, your tries to fix it didn't do anything because you were still using the same profiles.