
rmu_wdog_limited - Wrong selection of Watchdog clock source

silabs-AntonioT opened this issue · 2 comments

Line 192 shows the following:
wdogInit.perSel = wdogPeriod_8k; // 8193 clock cycles of a 1kHz clock ~8 seconds period

In order for that to be true we need to configure the clocksource of the watchdog accordingly, otherwise it will default to the LFRCO (32.768 kHz):
wdogInit.clkSel = wdogClkSelULFRCO;

You're exactly right. The watchdog timer is refreshing at a much faster rate since it's clocked by the LFRCO. The fix is to clock the watchdog timer with the ULFRCO by including the suggested line wdogInit.clkSel = wdogClkSelULFRCO; in the initWDOG function.

This issue is resolved with commit c199cb4.