
Translations do not work while Inspecio is installed

Closed this issue · 15 comments

as mod work's fine so far i can see
the commad /rpgstats does not show info of exp gain / need
it show sting error

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after typing /rpgstats shows this

no erros shows in debug output

game version 1.18.2
mod version 4.3.8

Whats your language set to? because that looks like translations arent loading

englise (US)

Is this singleplayer or multiplayer? do you have other mods installed?

right now is single
i tried now in multiplayer
same problem

mods yes alot

need to restart pc could'nt take picture
i got alot of mods loaded

with only rpgstats loaded shows fine
i don't know witch mods is make it to show like this

Just wanted to add that I also had the same issue pop up for myself, and it ended up being an incompatibility with the mod, "Bee Better (1.9.0-1.18.2)".

ok i'll keep that in mind
right now i have 27 mods left to check witch one making this

found it this little shit
that make the translation error
mod version 1.3.0 for 1.18.2

Opened issue on inspecio repo, seems to be an incompatibility between them and the mod I use for some translations

Should be fixed in 4.3.11