
Workshop materials for the Haskell and Elm Feb 2018 meetup in Helsinki

Primary LanguageHaskell

Planogramming - Haskell/Elm workshop

  • shared - The types (and API) shared between server and client code.
  • client - Elm client (stub).
  • code-generator - Create Elm bindings.
  • server - Server code.
  • hs-client - Haskell CLI client (stub).

Elm client

Ensure that Elm 0.18 is installed in PATH, and execute:

cd client
elm make src/Main.elm

Open up client/index.html in a browser.

What then?

  • client/src/Api.elm - generated file, defines Api - don't modify.
  • client/src/MAin.elm - main entry point (probably don't need to modify)
  • client/src/Model.elm - the model and messages (see Elm documentation for what is model or message in FRP)
  • client/src/State.elm - update function(s) - what is done when new message is received
  • client/src/View.elm - view functions (what is shown on the page)

Haskell client

Source: hs-client/.

Ensure that stack is installed and in PATH, and execute:

stack setup
stack build


stack exec planogramming-hs-client planogramming-workshop.relexsolutions.com 80
> Identify "test"
> GetProducts

The server and bindings

Create client (Elm) bindings:

stack exec planogramming-code-generator

Start server

stack exec planogramming-server 3050

Generate products from RELEX

products = Hash.new;
ProductLocation.where("products.width > 0 && purchase_price > 0").map { |pl|
   r = Hash.new;
   p = Product.find(pl.product_id);
   r["ident"] = Integer(p.code);
   r["width"] = Integer(p.width);
   r["priceBuy"] = pl.purchase_price;
   r["priceSell"] = pl.sales_price;
   r["attributes"] = [];
   products[p.code] = r if products[p.code].nil?;
File.write("/tmp/products.json", products.values.to_json)
-- stack ghci --package lens-aeson --package lens --package random --package vector
:set -XOverloadedStrings
:set -XOverloadedLists
:m Data.Aeson.Lens Control.Monad Control.Lens System.Random
import Data.Aeson (Value(..))
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Vector as V

b <- readFile "products.json"
let len      = length (b ^.. values)
    genAttrs = fmap (L.sort . L.nub) $ replicateM 5 (randomRIO (1, 10))
attrs <- replicateM len genAttrs
let setAt bs i = bs & nth i . key "attributes" . _Array .~ V.fromList (map (Number . fromInteger) $ attrs !! i)
writeFile "products_out.json" (foldl setAt b [0..len-1])

Server production build and deploy

stack docker pull
stack install --docker --local-bin-path=./deploy
docker build -t simsaladin/planogramming-server deploy

# Run local test
docker run -it --rm -p 3050:3050 simsaladin/planogramming-server

# Push
docker push simsaladin/planogramming-server

# Pull and run (target host)
docker pull simsaladin/planogramming-server
docker run -d -p 80:3050 simsaladin/planogramming-server