Digests sometimes don't conform to Schema
Opened this issue · 1 comments
Occasionally, the toolkit will output a digest that is unable to be ingested due to not matching the Schema. A known case of this is
According to the Schema, all headings should be of this structure
"children": [
"children": [
"text": "A Great Title"
"id": "3191676082",
"type": "h1"
"id": "88205506",
"type": "content"
The above error comes from an ingestion of this course: https://svn.oli.cmu.edu/svn/content/editor/projects/echo-oli-cmu-edu/interactive-jtkk2d6p/branches/v_1_0-echo
Changing the error in the above image from 'title' to 'h1' allowed this course to be ingested.
Here are some additional examples of Invalid Schemas
The above errors stem from this digest:
Produced from this course: https://svn.oli.cmu.edu/svn/content/c_at_cm/c_at_cm/branches/v_3_7-echo