
Fish age & size

SimonDedman opened this issue · 2 comments

Calculated from size at tag date & forward-projected on a daily basis.

Von Bertalanffy Growth Function with NAs allowed
Simon Dedman 2019.09.13
use vonB in reverse to convert age to length per day
VonBertalanffy parameters, Restrepo et al 2010: (atlantic bluefin tuna)
Linf (cm): 314.9
k: 0.089
t0 (year): -1.13
variance Linf: 19.43 (not reqd?)
have age from length, want length from age
if age is missing, populate with NA instead of crashing

/home/simon/Dropbox/Blocklab Monterey/Blocklab/VBGFna.R

/home/simon/Dropbox/Blocklab Monterey/Blocklab/diveClassify1transit.R