
Active jobs not being reprocessed after app is terminated

projuljustin opened this issue · 5 comments

I am running 0.3.1 and if I have active tasks running when the app is force closed, they are not being retried when the app is reopened. If I run getJobs, the only jobs returned are the failed ones.

This was previously working when I was on 0.2.7.

Does this occure on iOS or Android?
I tried to reproduce this by running the example app on android with an emulator, but it's working as expected.

Oh I'm currently testing on an iOS device

On iOS Simulator it works for me too. Are you sure the jobs did not finish before the app was closed?
Can you provide a minimal example to reproduce? Because it seems like i can't reproduce this with the example app.

I'm using 0.4.0 now and am not having the issue

I also encountered this issue, i had to call queue.start() as soon as my app was relaunched from killed state.