
QS vol change triggers pip mode

Closed this issue · 5 comments

After the latest update version 1.0.2 on oct 11 the quick settings volume change triggers the picture in picture mode, i have reverted back to version 1.0.0 and fixed the issue for now hope the next update will fix this issue

thanks and good day sir

Hi @RahifM, thanks for the report.
This is something I didn't anticipate.
The reason is because 60e3f16#diff-151b12d761652fd733c4786373da3d875d9c7b03ca858de3f539734b0ec9bd70L13-L14

where I replaced the deprecated (and now crashing) sendBroadcast(Intent(ACTION_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS)) with startActivityAndCollapse. Unfortunately this starts a NoDisplay Activity but still triggers the picture-in-picture mode.

One workaround is to use the alternative showDialog, it seems to work fine on my end.
All this is to automatically collapse the notification shade after the QS click.
Is this a behavior that you rely on? I'm trying to figure out how people are using this QS Tile :)

im sorry sir i dont understand how the code works? 😅

but yes the behaviour of closing notification shade on qs click without the pip mode trigger is preferred, that is how it is currently on the old version 1.0.0

Ok, then I'll push a fix right now.

Version 1.0.3 has been pushed to the play store, and should be available in a few minutes. You can also manually update it by downlading the release APK directly from the release page.

Thanks for the quick update sir, it is now fixed and working as expected :)