
pdf invoice generation utility class using Python.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

pydf_invoice is a utility class to help developers create PDF invoices using Python easily.

it relies on reportlab for creating the PDF document.

disclaimer: some features were inspired from py_invoice.




Install directly from PyPi.

$ pip install pydf-invoice
$ pip install reportlab==3.6.11

How to Use


this example can be found in the tests' folder.

file_path = "some_path/invoice.pdf"
client_info = ClientInfo(
    "Wassim CHAGUETMI",
    "Sidi Embarek El Harrach",

items = [
    Item("Produit1", "12", "15.00", "600.00"),
    Item("Produit1", "12", "15.00", "600.00"),
    Item("Produit1", "12", "15.00", "600.00"),
    Item("Produit1", "12", "15.00", "600.00"),

invoice_info = InvoiceInfo(
    "28/07/2022 14:06",
    ["Designation", "Quantité", "Prix Unitaire", "Total"],
    [colors.darkgrey, colors.lightgrey],

company_info = CompanyInfo(
    "Ecole sidi embarek batiment B N°7 El Harrach, Alger, 16051",

invoice = PDFInvoice(
    "Test Title",


this will generate a PDF file at the specified file_path containing: sample


Model Classes


Dataclass to hold invoice's client's information.

Attribute type Description
name string Client's name
phone string (Optional) Client's phone
address string (Optional) Client's address
tva string (Optional) Client's tva (tax) must total decimal amount not percentage
nif string (Optional) Client's nif (Tax related information, used by some countries)
nis string (Optional) Client's nis (Tax related information, used by some countries)
rc string (Optional) Client's rc (Tax related information, used by some countries)


Dataclass to hold a bank account's information.

Attribute type Description
bank_name string Account's bank name
rib string Account's rib
bank_address string (Optional) Account's bank address


Dataclass to hold your company's information. (the issuer of the invoice).

Attribute type Description
name string Company's name
phone list[string] Company's phones
address string Company's address
email string Company's email
tva string (Optional) Company's tva (tax) must total decimal amount not percentage
nif string (Optional) Company's nif (Tax related information, used by some countries)
siret string (Optional) Company's siret (Tax related information, used by some countries)
nis string (Optional) Company's nis (Tax related information, used by some countries)
rc string (Optional) Company's rc (Tax related information, used by some countries)
rcs string (Optional) Company's rcs (Tax related information, used by some countries)
logo Union[string , BytesIO] (Optional) Company's logo (must have a white background, avoid transparent PNGs)
qr_code Union[string ,BytesIO] (Optional) Company's qr_code (must have a white background, avoid transparent PNGs)
bank_account BankAccount (Optional) Company's bank account information


Dataclass to hold your invoice's item information. (Product/Item/Merchandise...etc)

Attribute type Description
name string Item name (Designation)
quantity string _
unit_price string Unit's price preferably decimal format
total string Item's total (quantity * unit_price), preferably decimal format


Dataclass to hold your invoice's information

Attribute type Description
number string Invoice's number (usually follows the format of 'YY/Serial').
date string Invoice's date (DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM).
data list[Item] Invoice's data (client's purchase).
table_cols list[string] Invoice's data table columns' names. ex: ['name','Qte','P.U','Total']
total_ht string Invoice's total without taxes, preferably decimal format.
total_tva string Invoice's taxes amount, preferably decimal format.
total_ttc string Invoice's total with taxes, preferably decimal format, this should be equal to (total_ht+total_tva)
rows_colors list[] (Optional) A list of color that would be used cyclically for the data table rows, can be either hex strings or
reportlab.lib.colors.Color. it's recommended to reduces the colors alpha, in order to keep the watermark visible.
delivery_company string Delivery company name.
delivery_cost string Delivery cost.

Utility class


Utility class to hold different invoice data and build the PDF file.

Attribute type Description
filename Union[string,BytesIO] Where to store the generated PDF file.
client_info ClientInfo _
invoice_info InvoiceInfo _
company_info CompanyInfo _
title str (Optional) File meta data title.
text_style dict[ParagraphStyle] (Optional) Text styles to be used for different texts in the invoice.
the dict should contain 6 entries with these Keys ["right_body_text","left_body_text","center_body_text","right_header_text","left_header_text","center_header_text"]
watermark Union[str,BytesIO] (Optional) A watermark to be displayed in the background of the document's pages, should have a white background (avoid transparent PNGs).

this utility class is still under heavy development, so many changes will come, and it will be much more customizable. if you need to change anything, add/remove, you can easily extend the PDFInvoice class and change the behaviour of the methods as you please, make sure to have the minimum knowledge of how reportlab works (story, flowable... etc).


You need to change the invoice title.

class AnotherTitleInvoice(PDFInvoice):
    # override the add_title method
    def add_title(self):
        title = Paragraph(f'Another Title: {self.invoice_info.number}', style=self._text_styles[CENTER_HEADER_TEXT])
        self.story.append(title) # all elements should be added the global document story.
        self.add_space(height= inch / 4) # always add a space after you add an element, each element is responsible for the space after it not before it.

Now you can just initialize your new class and call the .create() method to generate the PDF file.
