
How to Resolve The Client state?

takielias opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi, I have been trying to Submit form here.

All is ok except ctl00$cp$NoBotID$NoBotID_NoBotExtender_ClientState input value. Please check the Log

I'm getting empty string (ctl00$cp$NoBotID$NoBotID_NoBotExtender_ClientState) in every request. But In Firefox I got a value of it. I think it's js generated value.
But How can I collect this and set the value of input form correctly?

I don't see where it's generated. It likely is JS-generated. That said, the source code for the AjaxControlKit NoBotExtender is at:

According to that code, the value of ctl00$cp$NoBotID$NoBotID_NoBotExtender_ClientState is the Guid value of the session key. That seems like a potential security problem, but that's what it might be. If so, there is a cookie available with the key "ASP.NET_SessionId" that will give you the session key value.


Please check the image. It (ctl00$cp$NoBotID$NoBotID_NoBotExtender_ClientState) always contains integer value. But, according to your previous reply It's Guid of session key.
Current Session key is utvyebmn5youjvsbsblphiis and ctl00$cp$NoBotID$NoBotID_NoBotExtender_ClientState is 547. I'm confused, How to convert session key to int. And I came to know that Guid consists of 32 digit with 4 dash(-).
