
Chains compatability issue + slack error

dillu24 opened this issue · 0 comments

Summary of bug

Timo reported that we have the following issues on PANIC Prod:

  • Arbitrum, Avalanche (evm node monitors), Tgrade and E-money (cosmos node monitors), zeitgeist (substrate system monitor) failures are failing and restarting all the time.
  • Slack error:

alerter_1 | Failed to send a request to Slack API server: <urlopen error [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution>

Steps to reproduce

For chains issue:

  • Go on the panic installer hosted on the panicprod vm and add nodes for the mentioned chains
  • sudo docker-compose logs -f alerter and check out the alerter logs to see the issues as they come in

For slack issue:

  • Perform sudo docker-compose logs -f alerter on the vm

Acceptance criteria

Given: Any chain mentioned above
When: PANIC is started with full monitoring capabilities
Then: No error is raised in the docker console nor in the alerter logs