Mongo DB backup
colossus-digital opened this issue · 4 comments
I'm still using the panic v1.2.1 because i'm not confident to upgrade to a newer version yet and first of all i'd like to have a backup of my db.
Is there a way to backup the entire panic's mongo db ?
I tried using some tools but the main problem is that i cannot authenticate to the db. What are the credentials to connect to the db?
PANIC's MongoDB has not authentication set. The only requirement imposed is that it can only be accessed inside the panic internal network (i.e. by panic only).
If you want a backup of the DB you'd need to set a volume inside docker-compose for the db data. We had it in previous versions for PANIC, but forgot to add it for the latest versions. I suggest having a look at the docker compose file for the older versions
authentication removed from the command and it worked , tnks
docker exec -i mongo /usr/bin/mongodump --db panicdb --out /dump
docker cp mongo:/dump ./dump
but I can't find an older version of the docker compose, could you point me to right one, please ?