
VP thinks placed ores are new vein

Closed this issue · 6 comments

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I built an IC2 crop farm area north of my base, on the edge of where I did all my mining. IC2 crops sometimes need ores underneath them so I've been placing them as needed, and removing them once the crops are finished. However, this has caused a couple instances where the mod thinks I've found a new vein and marks it on the map, even if it's not really within the chunk distance.


In the screenshot, the Gold and Coal ores at the top were added by breaking the placed ores I was using with the crops; they're both more than 3 chunks away from the farm area. I haven't done any digging in those chunks so I don't know what's actually supposed to be there. I guess I can dig down to see if those are actually coal and magnetite veins and it was just an odd coincidence; if it is, then maybe that's a weird way to find ores from the surface (get one of each, place them, right-click each one and see which one triggers the VP?)

Do dig down. If it’s accurate it means the “don’t count placed Ore” code is the problem. If it isn’t accurate there are two problems

I did, it's accurate. Looks like it's not taking placed ore into account when identifying the vein. Time to exploit before SinTh0r4s can patch it ^^

Doing more testing: I took a bunch of ores out and placed them down in a non-ore chunk, to see what it detected.

Ores tried:
Cassiterite Sand
Banded Iron
Basaltic Mineral


It picked up Magnetite, Redstone, and Coal veins nearby. I went to the west to see what the vein it missed was, and it's Graphite. It didn't trigger from the Diamond ore I used on the surface, and it's still not triggering even when I mine one of the blocks down at the vein. Oddly enough though, before I dug down, I put all the ores on the ground on the surface to see what else would trigger, and it found a coal vein to the northwest that I hadn't discovered before:

(ignore the Lapis and Iron veins, I had already discovered those before this)

Both Graphite and Coal have Coal ore in them, so I'm wondering if their proximity is messing with each other? It thinks it found the coal vein nearby so it's not marking the graphite vein for some reason, even though they're different veins?

What is your render distance set to

8 chunks

This behaviour is expected. I had to add some kind of detection after the ore vein generation and do not have data like actual height and width. So If any ore is interacted and a fitting ore vein is in maximum range it will be marked. Sadly, a bug we have to live with.

Thanks for looking into it!