
hybrid.js is a jQuery and MooTools composer. You can call jQuery function in interaction with MooTools OOP coding. Additionally there is a plugin for twitter's bootstrap. Also it's possible to get the result of the last called action. That is useful for AJAX requests oder DOM manipulation. There is a small datepicker migration for bootstrap. (For further information about datepicker: http://www.eyecon.ro/bootstrap-datepicker/)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


by sinan eker

hybrid.js is a MooTools and jQuery composer. You can call jQuery function in interaction with MooTools OOP coding. Additionally there is a plugin for twitter's bootstrap and RequireJS. That means you can use a few libs handled from one MooTools Class. Also it's possible to get the result of the last called action. That is useful for AJAX requests oder DOM manipulation. There is a small datepicker migration for bootstrap. (For further information about datepicker: http://www.eyecon.ro/bootstrap-datepicker/)

Some links:


before you read on!

To use hybrid.js you nee MooTools and jQuery included to your page.


Download the source. For production I would use _.min.js. The file is compressed and has everything in it. For just using the default hybrid.js I also would use the compressed hybrid.min.js file.

A code example:

var app = new _('body',function(t, $){
  // $ is jQuery
  // t is the element | similary to $(this)
  $(t).text('Hello World!');  

And with an ajax request:

var res = app.ajax({
    url: '/echo/json/',
    dataType: 'json',
    data: {
        json: JSON.encode({
            text: 'some text',
            array: [1, 2, 'three'],
            object: {
                par1: 'another text',
                par2: [3, 2, 'one'],
                par3: {}
    beforeSend: function () {
        new _('#state', function (t, $) {
    complete: function (state) {
        new _('#state', function (t, $) {
            $(t).text(state.status+" "+state.statusText+"\n");
            $('#response').text("Response: \n"+state.responseText);

jQuery MooTools Mutator:

new Class({
  jQuery:'the_name', // this class is now in jQuery.fn.the_name
    return this;

###Main methods:

_.$(a) // same as jQuery()

_.ajax(a) // executes a jQuery.ajax request

_.initialize(a, b, options) // initialize hybrid.js 

_.parent(jQuery) // Not so important.

Inherited from Options:

_.setOptions(options) // sets the options

Inherited from hybrid.Factory:

_.clear() // Clears the factory store

_.get(k) // Get a value by a key

_.getLast() // Get the last result of an function execution

_.store(t, k) // Stores a result of an function execution

###Bulding a plugin:

A color changer example:

var colorChanger = (function() {
  var private_store = {
    __proto__: null,
    defaultColor: 'red'
  return new Class({
    Extends: _, // hybrid
    Implements: Options, 
    jQuery: 'colorChanger', // register to jquery namespace @see jQuery MooTools Mutator
    options: {
      backgroundColor: private_store.defaultColor // default text color
    initialize: function(ele,options,clb){
      return clb.apply(this, [this.options,this.get('initialize')]); // would return the jQuery object from ele.
    staticMethod: function (){ // a static methode. colorChanger.staticMethod() // return true
      return true;
window.colorChanger = colorChanger;

// Test:

var instance = new colorChanger('body',{
  backgroundColor: '#99aa99'.hexToRgb() // mootools hexToRgb
},function (options,ele){
  return ele.css({
    'background-color': options.backgroundColor

###Error handling:

  • Errors will catched and displayed in the js console.


  • Please report bugs to me here on github. Sorry for my strange english, but I'm only 15 years old and from germany :D


Copyright 2013 sinan eker

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.