AttributeError: 'builtin_function_or_method' object has no attribute 'choice'
Opened this issue ยท 2 comments
System Info
OS version: WIN11
Python version: 3.12
The current version of pandasai being used: 2.3.0
๐ Describe the bug
I'm requesting LLM to generate plotly plot that able to randomly pick a template, and it returns the code using random module, the code snipet like:
import pandas as pd
import as px
import random
template_style = random.choice(['ggplot2', 'simple_white'])
fig = px.scatter(incidence_all, x='aesoc', y='incidence_rate', size='unique_subjects', color='randarm', title='Incidence Rate', template=template_style)
fig.update_layout(xaxis_title='AESOC', yaxis_title='Incident Rate')
But got error at code execution
error message:
2024-11-03 01:31:06 [INFO] Executing Step 7: CodeExecution
2024-11-03 01:31:06 [ERROR] Failed with error: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Danzel\PycharmProjects\yun-ai\.venv\Lib\site-packages\pandasai\pipelines\chat\", line 85, in execute
result = self.execute_code(code_to_run, code_context)
File "C:\Users\Danzel\PycharmProjects\yun-ai\.venv\Lib\site-packages\pandasai\pipelines\chat\", line 171, in execute_code
exec(code, environment)
File "<string>", line 13, in <module>
AttributeError: 'builtin_function_or_method' object has no attribute 'choice'
I did a simple debug and found it's caused by wronly importing the random.random function instead of random module, the random function dose not have choice attribute cuased the error.
in _check_imports function of, it parsed the 'import random', to dependency dic as {"module": "random", "name": "random", "alias": "random"},
def _check_imports(self, node: Union[ast.Import, ast.ImportFrom]):
Add whitelisted imports to _additional_dependencies.
node (object): ast.Import or ast.ImportFrom
BadImportError: If the import is not whitelisted
module = node.names[0].name if isinstance(node, ast.Import) else node.module
library = module.split(".")[0]
if library == "pandas":
if (
in WHITELISTED_LIBRARIES + self._config.custom_whitelisted_dependencies
for alias in node.names:
"module": module,
"alias": alias.asname or,
if library not in WHITELISTED_BUILTINS:
raise BadImportError(library)
then later in code cleaning, the function get_environment of, for dependency 'random', it gose getattr(import_dependency(lib["module"]), lib["name"]) instead of import_dependency(lib["module"]), because if hasattr(import_dependency(lib["module"]), lib["name"]) is true for {"module": "random", "name": "random", "alias": "random"}.
lib["alias"]: (
getattr(import_dependency(lib["module"]), lib["name"])
if hasattr(import_dependency(lib["module"]), lib["name"])
else import_dependency(lib["module"])
This is a bug that could potential cause problem handling import libs.
@gDanzel have you added plotly to the whitelisted dependencies?
@gDanzel have you added plotly to the whitelisted dependencies?
hi @gdcsinaptik, I think plotly is already in the whitelist, since I've beening using plotyly all the time, but only in the above case, error occured.
In my point of view, this is a bug that, pandas import the module dependency, e.g.
import random, which should import the random module, but actually wrongly imported random.random.