
๐ŸŽ™ talk.js - March 2019

ongmin opened this issue ยท 13 comments

๐Ÿ“ Details

๐Ÿ“… Agenda

Time Agenda
7.00pm Doors open - mingle with guests and speakers over ๐Ÿ•
7.30pm Start of event - opening segment by host
7.40pm Start of scheduled talks
8.40pm Open announcements - open segment for anyone to make announcements
9.00pm End of event

๐Ÿ’ฌ Talks

  • My Awesome Talk by You

๐ŸŒฑ Propose a talk this month

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Title of your topic

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Topic description

Tell us what you'd like to talk about


Include GitHub handles where possible. Add your Twitter handle if you wish

Presenter's bio

A short introduction of yourself


5 minutes for presenting an introduction to the topic, then up to 20 minutes for discussion.

Deck URL (if any)

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๐Ÿ“ข Open announcements

Have something you'd like to tell the audience? We have an open announcement segment for you to announce job opportunities, promote a meet up, upcoming conferences, etc.

๐Ÿ“ Organizers' checklist

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* checked boxes indicate confirmed/done

ckkok commented

Title of your topic

Concurrency in NodeJS

Topic description

NodeJS has fantastic I/O performance for a seemingly single-threaded computing model due to its ability to handle such tasks asynchronously. But this fails for CPU-bound tasks that block threads. Before the current NodeJS LTS version, computationally heavy tasks could be farmed out to child processes, taking advantage of multicore CPUs, but processes do not share memory and inter-process communication adds significant overhead. Multithreading support landed in NodeJS as of v10.5.0, and is still flagged as an experimental API. We can now process tasks in separate threads with shared memory, but this power does not come for free. We'll compare the implementation and performance of a multithreaded NodeJS web server with that of some other industry solutions, and see how we can manage shared memory and orchestrate threads using buffers and atomics.


Presenter's bio

Chee Kean is a software engineer from the Maltem Consulting Group and uses NodeJS extensively for pet projects.


30 minutes

Title of your topic

Using Nuxt generate for building static web applications

Topic description

NuxtJS is a framework for VueJS that helps in building applications in single page (SPA) mode or universal mode (SSR)

SPA apps can be easily deployed on cloud storage such as Google Cloud Storage, AWS S3, Now, Netlify but it takes time for the app to be loaded and SEO is a problem as there are no pre-generated content.

SSR apps address the issues of load speed and SEO but requires a backend server to serve the content.

So to get the best of both worlds. We use Nuxt generate.

This talk will focus on the use of Nuxt generate, its advantages, its pitfalls. We will also be looking at few things which one may need to take note of when using nuxt generate, such as:

  1. handling dynamic routing
  2. use of dynamically created Vuex modules


Presenter's bio

Aaron is currently doing consulting work with Zenika Singapore. Using JS only for literally everything now...


20 minutes

Happy to present my talk in March is there's still space #21 (comment)

Ahh! I come into Singapore on 14th March would have loved to share my talk on building Realtime CRUD Apps with JavaScript and GraphQL..any other meetups planned for March?

FOSSAsia is in March...

Do they have something letting people apply to speak? @ais-one

I think you can try and contact them if they have slots...

submitting on behalf of @allanchua101, he will comment later...

Title of your topic

Proxy Pattern: Re-usable and Mockable API calls

Topic description

whatsapp image 2019-03-07 at 15 16 26


Presenter's bio

Alan is a software engineer at Sleek, Singapore.


20 minutes

Hey that's not a problem. Maybe next time! Have a great meetup โœจ

@danielepolencic Hey, I'm so sorry but I missed your comment for this month!

ckkok commented

Title of your topic

Concurrency in NodeJS

Repository for examples that we didn't have time to see.

Video recordings of talks:

Proxy Pattern: Re-usable and Mockable API calls by @allanchua101:
Using Nuxt generate for building static web applications by @ais-one:
Concurrency in NodeJS by @ckkok:

Thanks again everyone! :)

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