
๐ŸŽ™ talk.js - April 2019

lisaMartini opened this issue ยท 7 comments

Talk proposition

Interfacing an OLAP cube with a React.JS chatbot

Talk description
Describing the chatbot implementation and how it interacts with the ActivePivot OLAP cube.

  • Brief introduction of OLAP cube and MDX query language
  • How to implement a chatbot based on react-simple-chatbot component
  • How to use as a Natural Language Processing
  • Prototype demo


Presenter's bio
Nida Bouzid , Java developer in Singapore since 8 years. Github : nidaBouzid
Lisa Martini, Full stack developer in Singapore since 2018. Github : lisaMartini and ewilys

Duration requested
30 min


looks interesting! ๐Ÿ‘

Another proposal

From Zero to Forex Trading Bot Hero with Node.js and Typescript

Talk description

During this talk, you will discover Daniele's journey building a trading bot. From building a basic prototype in Typescript to using functional programming techniques to trade autonomously across multiple foreign exchanges and generate thousands of dollars in revenue.

By the end of the talk you will learn:

  • the basics of financial trading platforms from a developer's perspective (APIs/concepts/terminology)
  • how you can use the skills you've gained building full stack applications to write trading software
  • how static typing and Typescript can speed up your workflow
  • how functional programming can help you refine your trading algorithms and verify the correctness of your program

Daniele Polencic is a technical consultant for and certified training partner for Kubernetes and the Linux Foundation. Daniele is a passionate proponent for Javascript programming, and consults with startups when he is not coding himself.

Duration: 40 min

Hi, any news about time and place of this month meetup ?

@lisaMartini Hi! I haven't confirmed the logistics yet but will update once I have it! The meetup dates are all on the for this repo, RSVP opens on meetup usually 5-7 days before the meetup. :) I didn't post the usual summary cause this thread was created already, so I assumed everyone knows what to do. Otherwise usually I initiate a starting post with a summary of the information. I'll add it on.

๐Ÿ“ Details

  • Event: talk.js
  • Date: 10 April (Wed)
  • Hosts: @ongmin
  • Venue: Singapore Power Digital Technology

๐Ÿ“… Agenda

Time Agenda
7.00pm Doors open - mingle with guests and speakers over ๐Ÿ•
7.30pm Start of event - opening segment by host
7.40pm Start of scheduled talks
8.40pm Open announcements - open segment for anyone to make announcements
9.00pm End of event

๐Ÿ’ฌ Talks

  • My Awesome Talk by You

๐ŸŒฑ Propose a talk this month

Want to speak at this month's talk? Leave a comment below with the following details:

Click for details

Title of your topic

Insert catchy title here

Topic description

Tell us what you'd like to talk about


Include GitHub handles where possible. Add your Twitter handle if you wish

Presenter's bio

A short introduction of yourself


5 minutes for presenting an introduction to the topic, then up to 20 minutes for discussion.

Deck URL (if any)

You can add this part in later

๐Ÿ“ข Open announcements

Have something you'd like to tell the audience? We have an open announcement segment for you to announce job opportunities, promote a meet up, upcoming conferences, etc.

๐Ÿ“ Organizers' checklist

Click for details

* checked boxes indicate confirmed/done

Hi Lisa and Daniele, really interesting and comprehensive topics, thanks for suggesting them! :)
We're confirmed:

In the interest of maintaining attention spans, I would recommend we explicitly partition out time for Q&As:
@lisaMartini, lets split the duration to 25 mins presentation + 5 mins Q&A?
@danielepolencic lets split the duration to 30 mins presentation + 10 mins Q&A?

Let me know what you think. :)

Looking forward to these two talks!