
๐ŸŽ™๏ธ talk.js - June 2020 (online)

ongmin opened this issue ยท 4 comments

๐Ÿ“ Details

๐Ÿ“… Agenda

Time Agenda
7.00pm Teleconference open - Mukbang
7.25pm Start of event - opening segment by host
7.30pm Start of scheduled talks
8.45pm Open announcements - open segment for anyone to make announcements
9.00pm End of event

๐Ÿ’ฌ Talks

  • My Awesome Talk by You

๐ŸŒฑ Propose a talk this month

Want to speak at this month's talk? Leave a comment below with the following details:

Click for details

Title of your topic

Insert catchy title here

Topic description

Tell us what you'd like to talk about


Include GitHub handles where possible. Add your Twitter handle if you wish

Presenter's bio

A short introduction of yourself


5 minutes for presenting an introduction to the topic, then up to 20 minutes for discussion.

Deck URL (if any)

You can add this part in later

๐Ÿ“ข Open announcements

Have something you'd like to tell the audience? We have an open announcement segment for you to announce job opportunities, promote a meet up, upcoming conferences, etc.

๐Ÿ“ Organizers' checklist

Click for details

* checked boxes indicate confirmed/done

Title of your topic
BreadTalk - Building an intuitive baking tool in VueJS

Topic description
I'll be sharing my experience of building a helper tool for baking as a personal project using VueJS

Crystal Tee (

Presenter's bio
I'm an Enterprise Engineer at Facebook and I have ~5years of web development experience as a Full Stack Engineer. Prior to Facebook I have worked in companies specialising in NLP and Video Games, which has exposed me to several languages / frameworks such as ReactJS, VueJS, AngularJS, Spring, Java, PHP and C++. I'm also a baker / pianist / digital artist during my free time!

15-20min sharing + 5min for Q&A

Deck URL (if any)
Work in Progress!

Title of your topic:
Migrating from Ruby on Rails to a JavaScript SPA.

Topic description:
At Viki, it's been a year since we starting migrating from our old RoR application to Next.js . It's a gargantuan task to move a codebase that is 7 - 8 years old, and we're still in the midst of doing that. In this sharing, we would share the pointers on how we started this entire journey (frontend, backend, DevOps), and what we might have done right or wrong.

Weiyuan Liu (

Presenter's bio:
I'm a developer at Rakuten Viki! I also do stuff like volunteering for GDG Cloud Singapore and for Techladies.

I write about random tech stuff on my blog, about frontend things, Cloud technologies, DevOps.

Should be around 15 - 20 minutes

Deck URL (if any)

Title of your topic:
React-ing faster: How to optimize your components for performance?

Topic description
React is fast by design. But what happens when it does get slow? How do you write components to extract every inch of performance? In this talk, we will walkthrough the process of diagnosing and optimizing a chat application, to enable it to handle hundreds of messages without lagging. We will first try Dev Tools to identify performance bottlenecks, then catch a glimpse of React's rendering process and finally use optimization strategies to make React even faster and more efficient.

Akshata Mohanty
Github: @akshatamohanty
Twitter: @iamaatoh

Presenter's bio
I am a Fullstack Engineer at Rakuten Viki by day, an AI adventurer by night and a wannabe Muay Thai fighter... in my dreams.


Deck URL (if any)

@cryizzle @Weiyuan-Lane @akshatamohanty Thanks all for signing up to share your knowledges in this month's virtual.js :D We'll gather tomorrow at 7PM tomorrow on Zoom, the link will be shared shortly :)