
talk.js - 2023 March

eriknguyen opened this issue · 18 comments

Meetup Event:
Date: Wed, March 22 (tentatively)
Hosts: @joeytwiddle, @eriknguyen
Location: Hackerspace.SG

🌱 Propose a talk this month

Want to speak at this month's talk? Leave a comment below with the following details:

Click for details

Title of your topic

Insert catchy title here

Topic description

Tell us what you'd like to talk about


Include GitHub handles where possible. Add your Twitter handle if you wish

Presenter's bio

A short introduction of yourself


5 minutes for presenting an introduction to the topic, then up to 20 minutes for discussion.

Deck URL (if any)

You can add this part in later

(copying over from #53)

Title of your topic
Learning by experimenting: Vue 3 Reactivity to build Web Components

Topic description
With JS framework/library fatigue at its peak, creating yet-another-JS-library is hardly something the everyday developer would want to check off their TODO list. But what if there's something to be gained in this by diving into the APIs of fundamental web technologies and popular frameworks?

(adapted and updated from an online talk presented at the Hamburg VueJS meetup # 13)

Andrew Beng

Presenter's bio
Software engineer currently focusing on frontend development for solutions in the news and media space for Factorial, a digital agency based in Hamburg, Germany.

~20 minutes

Deck URL (if any)
Learning by Experimenting

Title of your topic
A picture is worth a thousand…kilobytes.

Topic description
A picture is in fact worth a thousand words, but it should not be worth a thousand kilobytes. In this talk we will take a look at tips and tricks that will enable you to deliver image heavy websites in a performant way. We will discuss the pros and cons of “next-gen” image formats, the various available loading methods and techniques and their effects on the Largest Contentful Paint and Cumulative Layout Shift Core Web Vital metrics. By the end of the talk you will be equipped with the right knowledge to deliver production sites with images that perform well to maximise user retention.


Presenter's bio
Tamas is a Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies and a seasoned Developer Evangelist. He is a passionate advocate for modern web technologies, helping people understand and unlock the latest & greatest features of web development.


hi @eriknguyen - is this event happening? I'd love to know because I'd prepare accordingly :) Thanks!

@tpiros Erik has been working on finding a venue. So i think he's keen to make it happen!

Thanks @joeytwiddle - I will pencil in the date then. Please keep us updated re exact start time & venue :)

hi @eriknguyen @joeytwiddle - any updates on the event for 22nd?

@tpiros Sorry for the late update. Yes we're trying but struggling with the venue part again. Let me update you in a day or two for confirmation if that's ok.

Meanwhile, would you both be available on March 29 too, just to keep it as an option? @tpiros @andrewbeng89

No worries. Unfortunately the 29th won’t work for me.

@eriknguyen There's always HackerspaceSG as a backup if everything else fails. Between me, Sree or Valentine someone will be around to host at HackerspaceSG.

@notthetup Hey Chinmay, thanks for offering help! In fact I just messaged Valentine earlier today haha 🙇‍♂️

Thank you all! The event is confirmed and published:
@tpiros @andrewbeng89 excited to have you 🚀

@eriknguyen unfortunately illness hasn't been kind to me and I've come down with a bad flu last night. I was very much looking forward to being there this evening, but will have to rain check this time.

@andrewbeng89 wishing you a swift recovery!

@eriknguyen - are we still proceeding with the event? Please let me know in time if something changes.

@tpiros Yes we're going to do it. But I won't be able to join today, so sorry I overbooked it. @joeytwiddle will be the main host :)

@andrewbeng89 :( Take care friend! Hope to have you next month or something

Thanks all!

Hi @andrewbeng89, would you be interested in speaking on 20th September? #55