Simple bash script to backup Postgres Databases
Copy to /root/backup/dbs/
chmod a+x /root/backup/dbs/
Create crontab job, as root user
crontab -u root -e
the first 0 specifies the minute, use * for every minute.
the second 0 specifies the hour, use * for every hour.
the third flag * specifies the day of month, every day if week day not specified.
the forth flag * says every month.
the fifth flag (third 0) specifies the week day. From 0 to 6 mean Sunday to Saturday.
Run command everyday at 23:00, add this line:
00 23 * * * /root/backup/dbs/
Confirm new job
crontab -u root -l
If your database already exists, you can restore it with the following command:
pg_restore -U postgres -Ft -d DB_NAME < DB_NAME.custom
If your database does not exist, run first and then you can restore it with the following command:
createdb -U postgres -W DB_NAME
pg_restore -U postgres -Fc -d DB_NAME < DB_NAME.custom
If your database already exists, you can restore it with the following command:
gunzip -c DB_NAME.sql.gz | psql -h localhost -U postgres -d DB_NAME
If your database does not exist, run first and then you can restore it with the following command:
createdb -U postgres -W DB_NAME
gunzip -c DB_NAME.sql.gz | psql -h localhost -U postgres -d DB_NAME
** NOTE: its kinda not secure to set your DB password in the script like this export PGPASSWORD="P05tgre5!." But it will be inside root folder, so for dev purposes its ok. Don't forget to change this into your real password. **