
View Client Improvements

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For Front Desk
Clean up display for the view client for case managers.

  • View Client

    • Shrink headers, use containers and spacing (rows, columns) to indicate separation instead of font size
    • Utilize Others Tab for more detailed information
    • Set flags from viewclient
    • give users ability to customize notifications when setting a flag basically creating the notification after deciding they want to set one -- option for who will receive the notification -- default will be to set the notification for the current user -- but will also have option to set for other users or everyone -- that said, perhaps there should be a panel listing the alerts that are already associated with that particular flag
  • CM

  • Documents

  • checkboxes for forms to indicate whether they have been filled out or not and whether the doc is in their paper file (SS card, ID, etc.), then won't have to do as much HIPAA

  • Others