
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Improved Instruction Ordering in Recipe-Grounded Conversation

This repo contains the code and the new dataset Icon ChattyChef for our ACL 2023 paper: Improved Instruction Ordering in Recipe-Grounded Conversation.


This project uses python 3.7.13

pip install torch==1.10.1+cu111 torchvision==0.11.2+cu111 torchaudio==0.10.1 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu111/torch_stable.html
pip install -r requirements.txt

Install BLEURT by following this instruction link

Icon ChattyChef Dataset

You can find the processed dataset at data/cooking_v4. The dataset is already splitted to train, validation and test. Each line in a file is a data example, which has the following fields:

  • File: Name of the file contains this conversation
  • Index: Index of the example
  • Context: The conversation history
  • Knowledge: The grounded recipe of the conversation
  • Response: The golden response
  • Current_step_idx: Instruction state of the current turn (output of the Instruction State tracking module)
  • Next_step_idx: Instruction state of the next turn (output of the Instruction State tracking module)
  • intents: User intent of the last user utterance (output of the User Intent Detection module)

The file data/cooking_v4/cooking_test_gold_intent.jsonl contains the human-annotated user intents.

User Intent Detection

Train on MultiWOZ 2.2 / SGD

cd d3st_src

# MultiWOZ 2.2
python convert_multiwoz_data.py \
             --input_dir /path/to/downloaded/dataset \
             --output_dir data/dst/multiwoz_22_intent

python convert_sgd_data.py \
             --input_dir /path/to/downloaded/dataset \
             --output_dir data/dst/sgd_intent2             
  • Fine-tuning
# Create symlink at d3st_src to point to dst/constant
ln -s absolute_path_to/dst/constant ./

# Run the following scripts (look at the script for for details)

# Merge checkpoints
python response_generation/utils/merge_checkpoint.py \
                   --saved_checkpoint /path/to/saved/ckpt/folder \
                   --output_path /path/to/output_dir/best_checkpoint.pt
  • Generate: Look at script/d3st/generate_d3st.sh for more details

Train on CookDial / ChattyChef

  • Download the CookDial dataset from link
  • Preprocess CookDial
cd dst

python convert_cookdial_data.py CookDialConverter /path/to/cookdial/dialog_directory
  • Fine-tuning:
    • Fine-tune from the scratch: See scripts/dst/finetune_t5dst.sh for more details
    • Fine-tune from a previous checkpoint (X -> ChattyChef): See scripts/dst/finetune_from_x.sh for more details
# Merge checkpoints
python response_generation/utils/merge_checkpoint.py \
                   --saved_checkpoint /path/to/saved/ckpt/folder \
                   --output_path /path/to/output_dir/best_checkpoint.pt
  • Predicting: To predict intents of ChattyChef test set, see scripts/dst/generate_dst.sh for more details

Instruction State Tracking

Please take a look at instruction_state_tracking/align.py for the WordMatch and SentEmb algorithms.

Response generation

cd response_generation


Edit path in finetune_gpt.sh before running

# Fine-tune gpt-j model

# Merge checkpoints
python utils/merge_checkpoint.py \
                   --saved_checkpoint /path/to/saved/ckpt/folder \
                   --output_path /path/to/output_dir/best_checkpoint.pt


Generate examples from the ChattyChef test set

Edit path in generate.sh before running

# Generate (support multi-gpus)

# Merge predictions
python utils/merge_predictions.py \
            --input_dir predictions


Download the BLEURT-20 checkpoint from link

cd evaluation
python evaluate_cooking.py \
                --input_file ../../data/cooking_v4/cooking_test.jsonl \
                --prediction_file predictions/merged_predictions.json \
                --bleurt_checkpoint /path/to/BLEURT-20


If you use this codebase in your work, please consider citing our paper:

    title = "Improved Instruction Ordering in Recipe-Grounded Conversation",
    author = "Le, Duong  and
      Guo, Ruohao  and
      Xu, Wei  and
      Ritter, Alan",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)",
    month = jul,
    year = "2023",
    address = "Toronto, Canada",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "https://aclanthology.org/2023.acl-long.561",
    pages = "10086--10104",
    abstract = "In this paper, we study the task of instructional dialogue and focus on the cooking domain. Analyzing the generated output of the GPT-J model, we reveal that the primary challenge for a recipe-grounded dialog system is how to provide the instructions in the correct order. We hypothesize that this is due to the model{'}s lack of understanding of user intent and inability to track the instruction state (i.e., which step was last instructed). Therefore, we propose to explore two auxiliary subtasks, namely User Intent Detection and Instruction State Tracking, to support Response Generation with improved instruction grounding. Experimenting with our newly collected dataset, ChattyChef, shows that incorporating user intent and instruction state information helps the response generation model mitigate the incorrect order issue. Furthermore, to investigate whether ChatGPT has completely solved this task, we analyze its outputs and find that it also makes mistakes (10.7{\%} of the responses), about half of which are out-of-order instructions. We will release ChattyChef to facilitate further research in this area at: https://github.com/octaviaguo/ChattyChef.",