
sample MyShop webservice using go gin framework

Primary LanguageGo


A workshop from "The World of Back-end Development" short course by CS-Infinite KMITL about Go web service using Gin framework.


※ In this project I use MySQL

$ go get github.com/gin-gonic/gin
$ go get github.com/spf13/viper
$ go get github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql

Try it out

※ Clone this project

※ Create database and table products and product_types

CREATE TABLE product_types (
    product_type_id     INT PRIMARY KEY,
    product_type_name   VARCHAR(50)
CREATE TABLE products (
    product_id          INT PRIMARY KEY,
    product_name        VARCHAR(50),
    product_quantity    INT,
    product_price       DECIMAL(10,4),
    product_product_type_id INT REFERENCES product_types

※ Create a file development.yaml at the project root path, inside is config about your database and server example

  user: dbuser
  password: 12345678
  host: localhost
  port: 3306
  initdb: example

  port: 4000

※ Run the project using

go run main.go

※ Go to localhost:{port}/ ※ Services in this project Ping

GET     /ping       --> to check server status


POST    /product    --> to create product
GET     /product    --> to read product by product_id (pass by query string)
GET     /products   --> to read all products
PUT     /update     --> to update product by product_id (pass by query string)
DELETE  /delete     --> to delete product by product_id (pass by query string)

File Structure

    ├─── config/
    │       └─── config.go      read config from development.yaml
    ├─── controller/            the logic of each service
    ├─── database/ 
    │       └─── database.go    connect to database
    ├─── form/                  model(struct) of each service
    ├─── model/                 the logic about database of each service
    ├─── server/
    │       ├─── router.go      route the request to the function
    │       └─── server.go      start the server
    ├─── development.yaml       config about database and port
    └─── main.go                run and init the project


POST /product example localhost:4000/product

  • Bind request body to model
  • Insert product to database

GET /product example localhost:4000/product?product_id=1

  • Parse query string to Uint
  • Get product by product_id from database

GET /products example localhost:4000/products

  • Get all products in database

PUT /update example localhost:4000/update?product_id=1

  • Parse query string to Uint
  • Check if there is product belong to this product_id
  • Bind request body to model
  • Update product by product_id in database if the variable != zero value

DELETE /delete example localhost:4000/delete?product_id=1

  • Parse query string to Uint
  • Check if there is product belong to this product_id
  • Delete product by product_id in database