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Kazibora Privacy Statement

Effective date: February 05, 2020

Thank you for entrusting Kazibora with your personal information. We consider this a serious responsibility, and we want you to know how we are handling it.

The Policy in a Nutshell

We only collect the minimum amount of personal information that is necessary to get the job done. We strive to treat it carefully and to be good stewards of your trust.

Details are below.

Information Kazibora collects and why

Information from our mobile apps

If you happen to install any of our mobile apps, you woul like to favourite what content pleases you for future reference. And if you have something you wish to draft and save then perhaps you would wish to have that next time you install the app. It is for that simple reason we would ask you to login to our app using your mobile number since we believe the mobile number is much easier to work with and besides we wont need a password. This makes it even easier to syncronise your oinformation in other devices that you might be using our app with.

The information we collect about all our users in our apps includes the country, mobile number, name, city, searches. We also collect date and time of installation.

Why do we collect this?

This information helps to improve the user experience in the long run

How we share the information that we collect

We do not share, sell, rent, or trade personal information with third parties

We do not disclose personal information outside Kazibora, unless such disclosure is necessary to comply with a court order, or to protect the safety and security of our other users.

Your privacy is our first consideration, so personal information inside Kazibora is limited to only those who need access to provide services to you.

We may share some basic User Personal Information with your permission, so we can improve services you use. Examples: Trivia participation