
SC 10.3 XM1 Docker install SPE fails and leaves server in invalid state

jbaarsch2 opened this issue · 8 comments

I am exploring 10.3 with the new year and thought I would follow the guides to install bare XM instance and install modules as documented on Sitecore's site. First module I tried to install was SPE and ran into a error.

Expected Behavior

SPE Install completes as expected, and demonstrated in install video

Actual Behavior

2023-01-07 13:30:59  620 13:30:11 INFO  DumpConfigurationFiles: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\App_Data\diagnostics\configuration_history\20230107Z.193011Z has been removed
2023-01-07 13:30:59  620 13:30:11 INFO  DumpConfigurationFiles: Completed
2023-01-07 13:30:59  368 13:30:13 ERROR Could not resolve type name: Spe.Integrations.Pipelines.AssemblyResolver, Spe (method: Sitecore.Configuration.DefaultFactory.CreateFromTypeName(XmlNode configNode, String[] parameters, Boolean assert)).
2023-01-07 13:30:59 2176 13:30:13 INFO  **************************************************
2023-01-07 13:30:59 2176 13:30:13 WARN  Sitecore shutting down
2023-01-07 13:30:59 2176 13:30:13 WARN  Shutdown message: Directory rename change notification for 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot'.
2023-01-07 13:30:59 Overwhelming Change Notification in wwwroot
2023-01-07 13:30:59 HostingEnvironment initiated shutdown

Server gets in start/shutdown cycle; it appears the SPE dlls did not copy to Bin, but config is asking for them.

Steps to Reproduce the Problem

  1. Follow the Developer Workstation Deployment With Containers guide:
    10.3 download page
  2. Start up the XM1 version, Login to Xm server to confirm install (https://xm1cm.localhost/ if you followed the guide)
  3. Populate Solr indexes
  4. Rebuild Solr indexes
  5. Download the 6.4-IAR SPE package:
  6. Install the package

You shouldn't be installing SPE via the package. You should be layering it into your image via a Dockerfile and the asset image.

If that is the case, then we should update the documentation for SPE to not install it as a package, correct?

Or are you saying, installing as a package should work, as long as you are not using docker? If that is the case, we should call that out in the documentation imo


Not necessarily. The package would be used for OnPrem instances of Sitecore. The Docker process is different. The linked documentation hasn't been modified in 2 years, so it still reflects the basic package installation steps.

The documentation is open source, along with the module. If you feel there is a gap in what is there, PR's are welcome. :)

Yes, the documentation should include details for Docker setup. The existing documentation would still be valid for installations not containerized. Pull Requests are welcome.

Roger that Batman, updating the documentation would be prudent in this regard. I can take a stab at updating. I agree layering in with a custom Dockerfile would be the best path. However, I am trying to follow the guides to see how a uninitiated dev would stumble. Thank you both!

The issue you are encountering trying to install the module package through the installation wizard is a general problem with containers. Typical solutions include deploying to a folder where a watcher copies it to the web root or you layer in the files in a custom container image.

@jbaarsch2 I updated the installation page with some more details. Please let me know what other details you would like to see.

I logged on this morning to update, but it looks like you beat me to it! Above and beyond as usual Mr. West, far more detailed and helpful than what I was going adjust. Hats off to you!