
A Spring Boot server providing RESTful web services for the Whiteboard web app.

Primary LanguageHTML

Whiteboard Server - Spring Boot

This is a Spring Boot server for the Whiteboard web app. It provides RESTful web services for the Whiteboard clients to perform CRUD operations.

Whiteboard is a simple learning management platform where faculty can create courses and learning materials for students with various types of widgets, and students can take, submit and get scores for quizzes.


Live API endpoint: https://cs5610-sp20-springboot-siyanhe.herokuapp.com/api

Please note that the services are hosted on Heroku so it may take few minutes to start when you access it.

The database credentials were removed from the source code in this repository for security reasons.

Widget Service

HTTP Method URL Pattern Description
POST /api/topics/{tid}/widgets Creates a new widget for a topic whose ID is tid. Returns the new widget with a unique identifier.
GET /api/topics/{tid}/widgets Retrieves a collection of all widgets for a topic whose ID is tid as a JSON array.
PUT /api/widgets/{wid} Updates a widget whose id is wid with the new fields specified in the body of the request. Returns 1 if successful, 0 otherwise.
DELETE /api/widgets/{wid} Removes a widget whose id is wid. Returns 1 if successful, 0 otherwise.
GET /api/widgets Retrieves a collection of all widgets as a JSON array.
GET /api/widgets/{wid} Retrieves a single widget whose id is wid as a JSON object.

Topic Service

HTTP Method URL Pattern Description
POST /api/lessons/{lid}/topics Creates a new topic for a lesson whose ID is lid. Returns the new topic with a unique identifier.
GET /api/lessons/{lid}/topics Retrieves a collection of all topics for a lesson whose ID is lid as a JSON array.
PUT /api/topics/{tid} Updates a topic whose id is tid with the new fields specified in the body of the request. Returns 1 if successful, 0 otherwise.
DELETE /api/topics/{tid} Removes a topic whose id is tid. Returns 1 if successful, 0 otherwise.
GET /api/topics Retrieves a collection of all topics as a JSON array.
GET /api/topics/{tid} Retrieves a single topic whose id is tid as a JSON object.


This is a personal project for CS5610 Web Development and the repository was migrated from GitHub Enterprise. For maintaining academic integrity, please do NOT reuse any code in this repository if you are working on your project for a related course.