error issue
seemarani1307 opened this issue · 14 comments
whenever i run the code given , i got this error.
\lib\site-packages\networkx\classes\", line 655, in set_node_attributes
G.nodes[n][name] = values
TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict'
please help.
Dear seemarani, the library has just been updated, could you please give it another try?
Further, the syntax you specify is used in the old version of networkx. I would suggest the following:
- download the new version of the library
- python3 install
- try if example visualization works --- if it does, then the problem lied in library, otherwise, please update networkx (The version needed for this library is specified in the new readme)
If that doesn't work, could you provide a minimal network example you are dealing with?
ok sir...i will..
hello sir,
i am just running example
/Py3Plex/Py3Plex-master/examples/", line 2, in
from py3plex.visualization.multilayer import *
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'py3plex.visualization
but i am facing the error above.
i installed setup. but the above error is shown when i run the example code given.
i did the same but with python install instead of python3 as python3 showing error
And it worked? The library is written for python3, and as such not compatible with python2..
I am working towards uploading it to pip repository, but in the meantime, you ought to install it using:
cd ./Py3plex; python3 install.
I tested this on a clean ubuntu 16 install and it works.
I packaged it, you can also try
pip3 install py3plex
sir is it necessary to include 3? as with 3 the command show error
its working now....thank you very much..