
Serial port error:

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Running the file gives the following error:

ValueError: dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, kIOMasterPortDefault): symbol not found

The error comes from line 8:

and lines 48-52:

	for vid in vids:
		for port in ports:
			if vid in port.hwid:

These lines are used to detect the serial port (port) and vendor id (vid) of the connected ESP32.
A workaround for this error is to comment out the aforementioned lines including the following lines after line 52:

	serialport = "/dev/tty.usbmodem01" # Use the true serial port for your connected device
	device = "303a" # Use the true vendor id of your connected device (I believe this is the one for FZ wifi dev board

In summary, you must manually set the port and vid. After doing this the code worked well.

I'm not sure how you broke it, also there's a flag for specifying the port manually, it makes no sense to bother doing what you did.

Please send the error it gives when you use the script with
python -s /dev/tty.usbmodem01 as using this parameter skips the entire process of checking for it and simply uses the specified port.