
Excel for Unity. Provides both read and write with .xls and .xlsx

Primary LanguageC#


Excel for Unity


  • Excel(.xls/.xlsx) Read/Write
  • Format Excel sheet into custom object (Excel,ExcelTable...)
  • Edit .xls/.xlsx file in Unity EditorWindow


  • .xls support in platform Windows
  • xls to json convertion

How to use

        string excelPath = Application.dataPath + "/Test/Test.xlsx";
        string outputPath = Application.dataPath + "/Test/Test2.xlsx";
        Excel xls = ExcelHelper.LoadExcel(excelPath);

        xls.Tables[0].SetValue(1, 1, "???");
        ExcelHelper.SaveExcel(xls, outputPath);


  • EEPlus
  • .Net 2.0 instead of .Net 2.0 Subset if you want to do excel job runtime


Unity 4.x or higher

Update 2016-3-16

  • add new cell type "popup"

Update 2016-3-15

  • add model "ExcelTableCell" to describe the infomation of cell
  • add editor to modify excel file in Unity

Update 2016-3-10

  • move the scripts and dlls into "Editor" folder to make sure the game can be running in ".Net 2.0 Subset"
  • fix the row number & column number counting bug
  • add example script in MyEditor/test