
[SU2024] constant TRUE/FLASE was removed, without any "Breaking Change" warnings in Ruby API Docs

Closed this issue · 2 comments

[SU2024] constant TRUE/FLASE was removed, without any "Breaking Change" warning in Ruby API Docs

Bug Reports

  1. SketchUp 2024
  2. OS Platform: MAC OS 13.5

In SU2022, 2023 or less, TRUE / FALSE constants were built in Ruby API(maybe), but was removed in SU2024, and no "Breaking Change" warnings in Ruby API Docs.

Compare Test images as follows:

Only keep default 3 extensions: su_dynamiccomponents、su_sandbox、su_trimble_connect

SU 2022


SU 2023


SU 2024


Notice that, SU2024 removed builtin su_trimble_connect, so I test again in SU2023 with all extensions disabled, the TRUE constant was predefined too, the image as follows:


The Ruby global constants TRUE, FALSE and NIL were marked as deprecated in Ruby 2.4. These were part of Ruby, not the SketchUp Ruby API.

C:\>ruby -ve "puts TRUE"
ruby 2.4.10p364 (2020-03-31 revision 67879) [x64-mingw32]
-e:1: warning: constant ::TRUE is deprecated

They were removed in Ruby 3.0. Generally, SketchUp does not list Ruby changes in their releases note or API docs.

This is my mistake, I made a joke, I will close this issue.
Thank you.