Left-side Frame Reloads every click
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Does the left side menu reload every click? It appears to, and the docs are kinda of slow as a result even when viewing from local disc.
It's based on the default YARD template. We didn't write one from scratch. This would probably be a much bigger task - most likely a complete refactor.
I'll see if I can get our template customisation uploaded to GitHub. That way people can play around with it.
I just made a dump of our template: https://github.com/SketchUp/sketchup-yard-template (In case anyone wants to play around.)
Note that I didn't have time to test it. Also since we generate from our CPP files, this would have to be run against something else. We're also working on generating stubs - which should be usable. More to come.
Ah, gotcha. That's where the other request for anchor links comes in, right?
Ah, gotcha. That's where the other request for anchor links comes in, right?
Correct. And then I should be able to patch some files to disable the left iframe
nav altogether and use my sidebar index.
At some point I think YARD used to have a frames option, but now it looks like it just redirect to the single page solution. Not sure what the history is there.
I made good progress of creating Ruby stubs from our CPP source. That means you should be able to run YARD on the stubs which gives us a lot of useful tools to process the API. It becomes easy to generate custom output based on the YARD database.
@jimfoltz FYI: I just pushed an (incomplete) set of API stubs to a new repo: https://github.com/SketchUp/ruby-api-stubs
Still working on this, but thought I'd just show what we manage to create so far. Figured I'd ping you since you've been maintaining that other repo manually.
I'm a little disappointed in Firefox - Chrome runs the site noticeably quicker.
Been a while. Added c parsing updates to YardT2, and it's always used XMLHttpRequest, so it won't allow static local loading of files (always needs a server, easy to spin one up with Ruby).
See Ruby Core. 'Home' shows other libraries and some 'help' type docs.
I have only tested with 1920 monitors and non-retina iPad. I'm sure there are issues with other resolutions & phones (why look at a code library on a phone? 80 characters?)...
@jimfoltz the slowness, is this with SU's docs only? Or do you also see it in plain YARD docs? Like SKUI: http://www.rubydoc.info/github/thomthom/SKUI/
We for the most part use YARD's default template, with some minor header and color customisation.