Does not support Sketchup 8 as claimed
TDHofstetter opened this issue · 7 comments
it makes Sketchup 8 barf on startup.
Are you getting an error message? If so, what does it say?
How did you resolve it?
How did you resolve it?
SketchUp 8 Maintenance Release 2 and newer supports installation of .rbz
files via Preferences > Extensions
Pretty hard to be sure at this point, but I appear to have M2 and it doesn't support .rbz files. I can't be positive that the copy I just downloaded from, claiming to be M2, is actually M2; it says that it's 8.0.11752 and it's exactly identical to my extant working install copy. I'll have to dig up another Windows machine (nearly all my machines have migrated to Linux, and SketchUp has never been very happy running under Wine) and try using it to install SketchUp, then verify (a) the version/revision and (b) the .rbz support.
At any rate, it's now moot for my purposes. I've successfully gotten .STL import / export set up and made a note to myself about always including directories found in .rbz files, so I think I'm probably good for the remainder of my life.
Thanks, Thomas. I don't care what your neighbors say, I think you're OK. 8)