
Year before Album name?

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Looking for a simple way to do some basic renaming/folder structure with my library I found your script and I'm pretty thrilled by some of it's features, basically the possibility to sort inside an artist by type of album (especially because I have a lot of compilations).

I would like to tweak your script for my personal preferences but I have no idea of how this works and after looking for an hour at the code still have no clue so I thought I might just ask: how can I make it so that the album comes before the year? (Bonus would be: only for albums, singles etc. of a single artist, not for compilations of Various Artists)

Thanks! :-)

(My other personal preferences are putting the folders by the genre I set manually (I don't let Piccard touch that) and having two digits for discnumbers, but the former I can achieve manually with not much effort and the second is only for a handfull of cases of compilations with more than 10 discs so not important).