#IBMHACKCHALLENGE2020 . This is repository build with the help of Watson Assistant, Discovery, Cloud Function,Watson studio,Watson IOT, Visual Recognition and IBM Cloud.
Project Description : This project is a total integration of multiple computing topics to support the situation consisting of crisis management of covid-19 and agriculture sustainability to support entity essential for support of life in this period of pandemic.Covid-19 has a severe impact on the people and agriculture and it’s whole production and supply chain which if not taken care could have adverse affect on the larger population of this country. We combine Artificial Intelligence, Cloud, database and Machine Learning in a single api to ensure proper communication during an emergency, ways to improve remote learning, and how to inspire cooperative local communities and Agriculture sustainability running of the food chain especially the production through farming which is the root of food production and supply and also the storage in godowns/storage units.
Project requirements:
1.Use Watson Assistant
2.IBM Cloud Functions
3.Watson Discovery Smart document
4.Central Database
5.Farmer’s database
6.Node Red Rest API
7.Weather details and NCW(natural calamities warnings).
8.Watson IOT
9.Watson Studio(jupyter notebook)
10.Watson Visual Recognition
Food Security Hotspot Locator
Technology Used: HTML CSS JavaScript Google Maps API
Repository Link : https://github.com/Skillz619/Food-Security-Hotspot-Locators-Shreekar-Kolanu
In Watson Discovery I have added User Manuals for the Discovery . I have also created an Excel Sheet for the farmers Database.
Watson Assistan Preview Link : https://web-chat.global.assistant.watson.cloud.ibm.com/preview.html?region=us-south&integrationID=dae25a99-7598-44ef-bd1b-ed636e7f63ee&serviceInstanceID=26fd3ef0-c511-4f8b-aa3e-c0d9bb5c6b7c
Registration and Visual Recognition Tab
Govt. Admin Login Tab
Crop Prices Tab(Without Price generation)
Crop Prices Tab(With Price generation)
Print Receipt Button Prints the Details(Uploaded the Printed pdf for ref. in the repository)
Temperature Indicators and Storage Locators(Controlled/Not Controlled)
Created BY : Shreekar Kolanu