
"Donations" Link Not Showing for Users

Closed this issue · 2 comments

The "Donations" link appears correctly for members of the Administrators group, but not for users.

I created a test user account and logged in. I did not see the "Donations" link. After I added that account to the Administrators group, the link appeared. When I removed the account from the Administrators group, the link disappeared.

Also, is there a way to make the Donations" link appear in a different color so that it stands out?


The "Donations" link appears correctly for members of the Administrators group, but not for users.

By default, the anonymous account have no access to the donation link.
You must set the appropriate permissions for the "Anonymous" account or the "Guests" group

Also, is there a way to make the Donations" link appear in a different color so that it stands out?

Link use the PayPal font-awesome icon. So you can ajust the color if you want, by editing the file overall_header_navigation_prepend.html

My bad—I missed setting the ppde permissions on registered users.

Thanks for the info on the font color. An easy fix!