
Donor List: total donation of $1,000 show as $1

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I have had someone over a long period of time donate a total of $1,000 ...
when i sort by donation amount, it shows at the top of the list, but shows $1


i checked the html source code and it shows $1, so its not a theme issue.


Which version of PPDE do you use?

Please can you run the following SQL query?

SELECT SUM(txn.mc_gross) AS amount, u.username
FROM (phpbb_ppde_txn_log txn)
LEFT JOIN phpbb_users u ON (u.user_id = txn.user_id)
WHERE u.user_id = <you_user_id>
AND txn.payment_status = 'Completed'
AND txn.test_ipn = 0
GROUP BY txn.user_id
ORDER BY txn.payment_date DESC;

Replace the "table_prefix" phpbb_ with yours
Replace <you_user_id> with the ID of the user affected by this issue.

Current PPDE version is 1.0.3

Ok i have done what you requested which shows the below results

Please, can you apply the quick fix mentionned above?

thanks, confirmed the fix worked :)


Follow this link for a better fix.