
UI Buttons (mask, channel view, tile) missing.

Closed this issue · 6 comments

One of the great things this version can do is show buttons that I can press to toggle the alpha mask, or tile the texture without having to first click on "View - mask".
However, those buttons disappear when you load VTFEditReloaded via double clicking VTF file, so now we're back to using the uncomfortable keybind of Ctrl+M and such.

It would be nice if those buttons would be permanent, cause they're one of the two feautres i really wanted.

It works for me, not sure why it wouldn't be working for you. Are you on Windows? I'm on Windows 10 right now.

I'm on Win10 too.

Can you share a screenshot of what your vtfedit looks like when directly opening a file? I'm thinking of a case of you maybe not changing the file association to the newer one if you hadn't directly replaced the older version.

Sure, here you go.


It's pointing to the wrong version of vtfedit, you need to change the exe it runs by default by doing Right Click > Open With > Then select the exe that's the latest version. You may need to Browse to the exe as typically some exes are not in this list, and that will let you go directly to where you put the latest version.

I had done that, but it appears as if I had another version of the exe somewhere and it for some reason loaded the old version instead of the new one I told it to use.

I had switched default programs from old "VTFEdit Reloaded.exe" from the x86 folder to the new one that came without the x86 and x64 folders, but it kept using the old one for some reason. Presumably because windows does not like switching between two exes of the same name, but in different places.

So I deleted the old one from my system entirely, moved the new one to another spot. Now it works.
Thank you for your time and patience.