
Cannot install the HockeyApp apk in the emulator

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hey folks! I'm trying to install the apk available in HockeyApp (Version 7.5.0 (1), 06 May 2019, 12:52) in my emulator but it is throwing the following error:


I tried a couple of months ago and it didn't work either. Do you have any idea what might I be doing wrong?

Thanks and great job btw!!! 👏

Hi @siempredelao, thanks for raising this. Seems like we have a problem with the signature of the app we are publishing in HockeyApp.

I'll try to have a look at it when I have some free time. If you want to run it locally in the meantime it should be very straightforward to clone and run it :).

Cannot install the demo application in my phone. INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES

This should be fixed now with #386