Missing lazy loading tutorial.
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Lazy loading is implemented for the entity framework core layer, but there is currently no tutorial or documentation around using it. We need to create one and link to it from DotNetDocumentation.md
Hi, I'd like to take this. Is there an easy way for me to explore this functionality and see it in action? That would make it easier for me to write it up.
Thats fantastic to hear @jboyer2012!
If you grab the solution you can check out the project PopcornCoreTest, and more specifically the tests in ExpanderCoreTests.cs. The Setup method in there configures the lazy loading with the MapEntityFramework, and then we do some limited testing to verify its working. It's only a basic set of tests, but should be enough to walk through the normal usage. And feel free to ask questions or make suggestions!
Hey @jboyer2012 - you still looking into this? Totally cool if not - just going to open it back up if so.
@alexbarbato Thanks for checking in. I am planning on finishing this up this week. Thanks for your patience!
No worries! Much appreciated
@undiwahn Just so I understand. The lazy loading is not an extra configuration that you add (with a Lazy Loading method or something similar). The MapEntityFramework call is what provides the lazy loading? Does it work in the same way as EF's lazy loading or are there extra features in Popcorn's implementation?
@jboyer2012 - just going to shoot a quick response until @undiwahn gets a chance to chime in and correct me where I'm wrong or add more, but I think you're totally on the right track.
Using MapEntityFramework I believe allows the user to actually leverage EF's lazy loading features