
Ubuntu scope search plugin that enables information from Everpad to be searched and displayed in the Dash.

Primary LanguagePython


Ubuntu Unity 7 scope search plugin that enables information from Everpad to be searched and displayed in the Dash. As it use Unity 7 API, it is compatible with Ubuntu 13.10+.


Clone repository and build deb package:

  git clone https://github.com/SlavikZ/unity-scope-everpad
  cd unity-scope-everpad
  dpkg-buildpackage -b -rfakeroot -uc

Install deb package:

  cd ..
  sudo dpkg -i unity-scope-everpad_0.0.1_all.deb

(Optional) Add everpad scope to master scope list (you may also use dconf-editor GUI tool):

dconf write /com/canonical/unity/dash/scopes "['home.scope', 'applications.scope', 'files.scope', 'video.scope', 'music.scope', 'photos.scope', 'social.scope', 'everpad.scope']"

Reboot system