
Block words/symbols from chats

minein4 opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello i have a group chat for my college and sometimes things get a bit to spicy so id love to know if there is a way to make it auto delete words/symbols automatically from a group chat.


Hello! Thanks for submiting the issue, we will respond to you ASAP.

Yes, there's a way to do that. For convenience, I'm going to set this issue to a feature request. I'm gonna add a command to do the job.
Usage will be look like this:

.blockwords [the_words]

Done #484.
This is how to use it.

16. *${prefix}badwords*
Setting up anti-bad words feature.
Aliases: *badword*
Usage: *${prefix}badwords* enable/disable or add/remove to add/remove a blacklist words.