
Integrate ad blocking

Closed this issue · 2 comments

According to this repo it is possible to insert content blocking rules into WKWebView. It includes a list of ad sources. We should be able to find a more comprehensive list from maybe Brave or pihole. Maybe explore making the app free and put ad blocking behind an IAP. There may be app review issues with this since the content blocking functionality is only for iOS 11+ but we may get around this by blocking the IAP (or not even showing it?) for earlier versions (Or just go iOS 11+ only?).

Got basic support working. Need more ad sources. Should check out Brave or pihole. Need to implement IAP. We should be sure to note to users purchasing the IAP that we may not be able to block every ad to CYA.

Just adding some notes here while 8.2 beta downloads:

Remaining Todo List for this Feature:

  • Verify IAP logic
  • Add some sort of observer (Notification perhaps?) to load and unload ad blocking on demand
  • Add checks in the web container for the ad blocking key
  • Move purchased key from UserDefaults to Keychain for added security
  • Use this for better styling of the IAP notice
  • Add more ad sources
  • Restrict to iOS 11+ only