Sell drugs to NPC
Originally made by xxxstasiek ( Modified and customized by me.
Create an item in your database which is to be used to set up drugsales, default "burner" You can change the item in server.lua
Otherwise it's pretty much straightforward drag&drop
if you've issues with ESX try adding this two functions to your es_extended/client/functions.lua
ESX.PlayAnim = function(dict, anim, speed, time, flag)
ESX.Streaming.RequestAnimDict(dict, function()
TaskPlayAnim(PlayerPedId(), dict, anim, speed, speed, time, flag, 1, false, false, false)
ESX.PlayAnimOnPed = function(ped, dict, anim, speed, time, flag)
ESX.Streaming.RequestAnimDict(dict, function()
TaskPlayAnim(ped, dict, anim, speed, speed, time, flag, 1, false, false, false)
ESX.Game.MakeEntityFaceEntity = function(entity1, entity2)
local p1 = GetEntityCoords(entity1, true)
local p2 = GetEntityCoords(entity2, true)
local dx = p2.x - p1.x
local dy = p2.y - p1.y
local heading = GetHeadingFromVector_2d(dx, dy)
SetEntityHeading( entity1, heading )