
The application Slimbook Battery has closed unexpectedly (Ubuntu 20.04.3)

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Describe the bug
Crashes on startup with the following message:

Screenshot from 2022-01-09 11-47-53

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Ubuntu 20.04.3

Expected behavior (Optional)
not to crash

ehooo commented

Hello @baermathias
Could you paste the fully logs?
It's looks like the user witch run the process don't have config file for the app.

It actually looks the same as this one #60
The crash report appears in a GUI and there not much additional info, I also can't copy it, only screenshot.

Hi, @baermathias, could you please check the content of /home/<your_user>/.config/slimbookbattery/slimbookbattery.conf?
Share the content of the file, then try to execute /usr/share/slimbookbattery/src/ (as sudo) and share the log of the execution again.
It might have been an error in the creation of the file.

# content of /home/my_user_name/.config/slimbookbattery/slimbookbattery.conf

tdpcontroller = slimbookintelcontroller
saving_tdpsync = 0

application_on = 1
autostart = 1
icono = 1
max_battery_value = 90
min_battery_value = 15
max_battery_times = 2
time_between_warnings = 60
modo_actual = 2
show_time = 0
alerts = 0
hibernate_after_suspension = 0
style = original
plug_warn = 1
plugged = 2022-01-14

limit_cpu_ahorro = 1
limit_cpu_equilibrado = 2
limit_cpu_maximorendimiento = 3
graphics_ahorro = 1
graphics_equilibrado = 1
ahorro_brightness = 30
equilibrado_brightness = 70
maxrendimiento_brightness = 90
ahorro_animations = 0
equilibrado_animations = 0
maxrendimiento_animations = 1
reset_config110720 = 1
graphics_maxrendimiento = 1
saving_brightness_switch = 1
balanced_brightness_switch = 1
power_brightness_switch = 1
# log of execution as sudo

2022-01-14 07:48:13,373 - <module>:166 - INFO - Config check executed as my_user_name
2022-01-14 07:48:13,373 - main:42 - INFO - Configuration folder (/home/my_user_name/.config/slimbookbattery) found!
2022-01-14 07:48:13,373 - set_ownership:52 - DEBUG - Folder /home/my_user_name/.config/slimbookbattery
User uid=1000
Folder uid=1000
2022-01-14 07:48:13,373 - set_ownership:52 - DEBUG - Folder /usr/share/slimbookbattery/src/updates
User uid=1000
Folder uid=1000
2022-01-14 07:48:13,373 - check_config_file:68 - INFO - Checking Slimbook Battery Configuration
2022-01-14 07:48:13,375 - check_config_file:78 - INFO - Checking section: CONFIGURATION ...
2022-01-14 07:48:13,376 - check_config_file:78 - INFO - Checking section: SETTINGS ...
2022-01-14 07:48:13,376 - check_config_file:78 - INFO - Checking section: TDP ...
2022-01-14 07:48:13,376 - check_config_file:98 - INFO - Incidences not found.
2022-01-14 07:48:13,376 - check_tlp_files:109 - INFO - Checking Slimbook Battery's TLP Configuration
2022-01-14 07:48:13,376 - check_tlp_files:127 - INFO - Checking ahorrodeenergia
2022-01-14 07:48:13,382 - check_tlp_files:127 - INFO - Checking equilibrado
2022-01-14 07:48:13,385 - check_tlp_files:127 - INFO - Checking maximorendimiento
2022-01-14 07:48:13,389 - check_tlp_files:155 - INFO - Incidences not found.

It seems correct, so error might be at the configuration file path detection.

Moving to #60